  1. TkScript Reference Guide » Exceptions

reference guide | Exceptions

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

Exceptions are used to signal errors which occured while executing a script or native code function or method.
An exception usually propapates up the callstack until it is either caught in a try .. catch statement or until it is caught by the root exception handler which simply prints out the exception and terminates the program.
Exceptions can either be fatal (derived from CriticalError) or expected (derived from UncriticalError).
2. Inheritance
  1. TkScript Reference Guide » Exceptions » Inheritance

Exceptions support single-inheritance, i.e. an exception type is derived from exactly one base exception type.
The Error exception type is the base type for all other exception types. It is the only exception type that has no parent type.
2.1. Pre-defined exception types
The following exception (or error) types are pre-defined by the TkScript runtime:
  • Error
    • CriticalError
      • InvalidPointer
      • Death
      • TypeMismatch
        • ClassTypeMismatch
          • NativeClassTypeMismatch
          • ScriptClassTypeMismatch
      • NotFound
        • ClassMethodNotFound
          • NativeClassMethodNotFound
          • ScriptClassMethodNotFound
        • ClassMemberNotFound
          • NativeClassMemberNotFound
          • ScriptClassMemberNotFound
        • ModuleNotFound
        • ModuleMemberNotFound
      • ArrayOutOfBounds
        • ReadArrayOutOfBounds
        • WriteArrayOutOfBounds
      • ConstraintViolation
        • NotNullConstraintViolation
    • UncriticalError
2.2. The "Exception" class

When an exception occurs, it will be wrapped in an Exception Object.
The object will store that stack backtrace, as seen when the exception occured, along with the exception type (id) and a user defined message String.
Please notice that one Exception class is used to represent all possible exception types.

try die("some message");
catch(Error e) {
Exception x <= e; // just for clarification, could use "e" directly
trace "x. id=" + x.id;
trace "x. name=" + x.name;
trace "x. message=" + x.message;
trace "x.stacktrace=\n" + x.stackTrace;
3. Critical exceptions
  1. TkScript Reference Guide » Exceptions » Critical exceptions

The CriticalError exception type is the base type for all exception types that represent a fatal/critical error, like e.g. accessing a null pointer.
A critical error indicates a condition which has either not been anticipated by the programmer or which simply should not occur during regular program execution.
A critical error usually leads to the termination of the current program.
It is considered bad practice to catch critical errors since they usually indicate a more serious software problem.
However, applications may choose to catch these errors and e.g. backup unsaved user data before exiting.

function Run() {
String s <= null;
s.append("oh noes!");

try Run(); catch(Error e) {
/* deploy parachute */
trace "[---] something terrible went wrong !";
4. Uncritical errors
  1. TkScript Reference Guide » Exceptions » Uncritical errors

Exception types that are derived from UncriticalError receive special treatment in the TkScript runtime: An uncritical exception causes the current function call to return but the exception will simply be discarded if it is not caught in the upper stackframe.
This mechanism is meant to support the actual idea of exceptions: To provide an error reporting and handling mechanism. Without forcing the programmer to wrap every second API call in a try..catch statement..
The return value of many API functions and methods often already indicates the success or failure of the respective call. In case more detailed error information is needed, e.g. in order to display it in a graphical user interface, the respective API function/method can utilize an UncriticalError exception to provide further information about the cause of error.
4.1. Example

class Configuration {
define exception ConfigurationError : UncriticalError;
define exception ConfigFileNotFound : ConfigurationError;
define exception ConfigParseError : ConfigurationError;

static LoadDefaults() {
/* ... */

protected static ParseConfig(String buf) : boolean {
/* ... */
throw ConfigParseError("parser implementation missing..");

static Load() : boolean {
return = false;
String buf;
if(!buf.loadLocal("democonfig.ini", true))
throw ConfigFileNotFound("could not find \"democonfig.ini\"");
// Need to re-throw the uncritical error to prevent it from being removed automatically
try return ParseConfig(buf); catch(ConfigurationError e) throw e;

// This could simply be called this way:
trace "[...] Configuration loaded.";
trace "[---] failed to load configuration.";

// OR (if more detailed error information is desired)
try {
trace "[...] Configuration loaded.";
catch(ConfigurationError e) {
trace "[---] failed to load configuration (error="+e.name+", \""+e.message+"\").";

Notice how a function or method can both return a value and throw an exception.
5. try / catch
  1. TkScript Reference Guide » Exceptions » try and catch

If a statement or statement sequence is enclosed in a try and catch statement and an exception occurs within that statement(-sequence), the catch block that matches the exception type best is executed.
The catch blocks will automatically be sorted by exception type respectively inheritance.
Each try statement can be followed by none, one or many catch statements.
Also see The try..catch, finally statements.
5.1. Finally
TkScript supports the finally clause which is commonly used to clean up resources before passing an exception to the caller.
The finally statement sequence is run after an exception has been handled in a catch block or if no exception was raised at all.

function Run() {
try {
throw InvalidPointer("d'oh");
finally {
// This code is run whether an exception has been thrown in try {} or not!
trace "[...] Run: cleaning up..";


The finally clause is optional.
5.2. Exceptions in "catch" or "finally"

If an exception occurs while executing a catch statement sequence, the new exception will replace the currently handled exception and the control flow will branch to the next outer try..catch statement or to the caller stackframe. The finally statement sequence will not be executed in this case.
If an exception is thrown while executing the finally statement sequence, the new exception will also replace the currently handled exception !
6. die
  1. TkScript Reference Guide » Exceptions » die

The die statement outputs a message to stdout and raises the Death exception.

die "..some error occured..";

Also see The die statement.

auto-generated by "DOG", the TkScript document generator. Wed, 31/Dec/2008 15:53:35